Primary Care Screening and Monitoring

Consumers may participate in comprehensive health assessments, medical assessments, and wellness coaching provided by our Registered Nurses (RN) and Primary Care Physician (MD). This department offers the following services:

1. Preventive care and screening: Adult Body Mass Index (BMI) screening and follow-up

2. Weight assessment and counseling for nutrition and physical activity for children, adolescents and adults

3. Preventive care and screening: tobacco use; screening and cessation intervention

4. Preventive care and screening: substance use, screening and brief counseling

5. Diabetes screening

6. Onsite bloodwork via Quality Labs

7. Infectious disease assessment including HIV, hepatitis and TB

8. Referrals to specialists

9. Reassessing of consumers’ health bi-annually and more frequently when needed

For more information on our Primary Care Screening and Monitoring, contact:
Cheryl Miller, RN at (973) 450-3177

Northwest Essex Provides Substance Use and Mental Health Disorder Services:

Northwest Essex Community Healthcare Network’s Gender Equality Notice:

Northwest Essex provides all staff with a copy of the Gender Equality or Bias Notice which provides employees the right to be free of gender inequity or bias with respect to pay, compensation, benefits or other terms and conditions or privileges of employment.

To find out more, Read New Jersey State Gender Equality Law.